International Law Compliance Institute (ILCI)

A commitment to the Rule of Law in International Law

Tracking the compliance of Respondent States with adverse arbitral investment awards

Our comprehensive data-driven analytics provide a unique platform for in-depth analysis regarding which Respondent States fail to comply with adverse arbitral investment awards.

Annual Lecture

We organise an Annual ILCI Lecture delivered by stellar speakers on issues of compliance, recognition and enforcement of awards.

Annual Compliance Study

Since 2022, we publish the Annual Compliance Study, which analyzes the compliance rate of the top 20 Respondent States which have faced the most adverse awards and the highest amount of damages.

Download the 2023 Compliance Report

Download the 2022 Compliance Report


ILCI – A new unique think-tank

A unique non-profit think-tank that provides an independent, fact- and merit based platform for analysis and discussion on the compliance, enforcement and recognition of international awards.

Become member

  • Join us and benefit from this unique organization.
  • Share and contribute your experience.
  • Enhance the compliance with the Rule of Law.

“International Law can only survive if States and International Organizations comply with their international legal obligations, which they have voluntarily entered into.”